PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang was the first company to ever gave me serious first job and i am so blessed by those experience and opportunity I had on that company. I learned so many from the very first placement on HR Division and I did office work to transfer to Engineering Inspection Department. I thought by transfer into the Plant Facility, i will face a nightmare to work as a real engineer, but it turned out totally wrong.
I really enjoy my moments as an engineer, I meet so many hilarious, funny, empathy, kind, great team work, friendly new friends and superiors. I also given so many opportunity there, I gained my Welding Inspector, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Level 2 (PT, MT), and NDT Level 1 (UT, MT, PT) certification at that Department.
I learned so many new things from the education & training, mechanical engineering, inspection engineering, shop-working, material treatment, etc. Thank you Pusri for the wonderful experiences.
The background is Pusri 3 plant.
On the left side is Pusri 4's Reactor.
That was me inside the Waste Heat Boiler, cool reflector shine on blitz... right?
That was inside the Prilling Tower.
That was my bagde.
That was when I did Penetrant Test on a Heat Exchanger's Tubes.